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French government to support SMEs overseas

To relaunch, think export! The official tagline of the Chèque Relance Export program.

Announced by Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Economy and Finance, & Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, French Secretary of State, the program’s main objective is to support the activities of french small and medium enterprises (MSMEs – Micro, Small, & Medium enterprises) in foreign markets in response to the economic slowdown.

Given their importance for economic well-being at a national level, should they be eligible, these SMEs and MMEs will have access to certain services provided by Team France Export or by licensed partners. These “checks” will be issued for all operations made in the last trimester of 2020 and throughout the year 2021, as well as for any individual services provided during that period.

While the amount varies between 1,500€ and 2500€ depending on the type of service they require, there is no doubt that companies in France will benefit from this program should they be eligible for it. Even better, this national program is compatible with other regional support programs.

In the words of Bruno Le Maire himself: “The financial support plan that is being launched will allow our enterprises, notably SMEs, to hold their positions internationally within the difficult context of the COVID-19 pandemic.”