Cybersecurity in the age of Telecommuting
Home Office and cybersecurity meet where enterprises implement different information security practices to keep their workers and data safe. Available in Spanish at El Universal.
Home Office and cybersecurity meet where enterprises implement different information security practices to keep their workers and data safe. Available in Spanish at El Universal.
Latin American countries with the most cyberattacks include Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, and Chile. Diazgranados -regular contributor at Kaspersky- goes in-depth regarding threats, main targets of cyberattacks and what tools are available to combat these issues to create a more secure digital environment. Originally
On September 2nd 2020, Senator Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa presented the possibility of creating a General Law of Cybersecurity with the goal of protecting State institutions and civil society from the growing threat of cyber-attacks by organized crime. Among the objectives of his proposal the